Saturday, August 21, 2010

Aww, someone lost a... WTF?!

Aww, someone lost a... WTF?!

This reminds me of a story my sister told me the other day.
Her and her boyfriend were downtown when introduced to the newest "Bum tactic". This homeless woman came up to them asking for money to buy cat food for her..."animal". She was cradling a small possum in her arms, but didn't appear to know what kind of animal it was. Of course they saw her a couple of hours later with no animal, but she was bleeding and crying... wonder what that was about.

1 comment:

ypomoni said...

I actually feel sorry for these people (the poster dude and the homeless lady). I know it's not likely, but part of me believes they thought they where doing a nice thing - taking in a stray cat (maybe for company, in the homeless woman's case) only to end up with either a trashed home or/and scratches and pain...ignorance is bliss can only go so far....