Sunday, August 22, 2010

Axis of Awesome?

Hell yeah! For this treat alone!  I wasn't familiar with some of the songs (who is Jason Mraz? and how is that pronounced?), some I'd change the station if they started playing (if I where a boy *shudders*); overall, out of the 38 songs heard, I actually have ~25 - and they are perfectly good songs. Let it Be? Fall at Your Feet? With or Without You? Legendary tunes. Do they deserve to be ridiculed like this? When it's done this well, the answer is yes....
PS - I love how their accent becomes distinctively more Australian when they are singing Missy Higgins - nice touch


est said...

oh your aussie heart! and here is the father (da-da)

est said...

and speaking of the penal colony, nothing can ever beat the DAAS (thanks again for introducing me)

ypomoni said...

DAAS + Throw your arms around me = <3

est said...

I'm seeing your <3 and countering it with :3 - cute royal, I win.