Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What's the worst that can happen?

This. (Starwars Kinect)


ypomoni said...

Dear, dear friend - THANK YOU! I really needed a good laugh....now dance while wiping your shoulder...

est said...

"no scratch"
(elvisisdead is online)

rrggggghhhh! (chewie chopping off their heads)

ypomoni said...

R2D2 breaking it down...or just breaking down...*exterminate! exterminate!* oups! wrong fandom....

est said...

actually that was exactly how the daleks came to existence... (SW was long long ago, Dr. Who being just a little bit after that)

ypomoni said...

Sacrilege! Dalecks existed before Star Wars! Exterminate! Oh, wait...you meant long ago, in a galaxy, far far away....